Friday, January 2, 2009

Obligatory Post About the New Year

New Years never really did it for me. As a kid, it meant staying up until midnight, and now it's just a good excuse to drink cheap champagne. I've never had that feeling of closure and a new beginning. For me, the year ends in June when school ends, time doesn't really exist for a while, and a new year beings in late August.

In related news, I heard on the radio that the top three New Years resolutions are:
1) Lose Weight
2) Get out of Debt
3) Get Organized

#2 may be a product of the current economy, but I find the other two interesting. Why must we need a certain day to start something we could start everyday. I'm guilty of this to, always telling myself that this semester I'm going to turn it around, and put it all together. And like all New Years resolutions, things starts off great, but after awhile you forget about the resolution and things go back to normal. So why can't we have monthly resolutions, or just decide to change whenever?

I guess those cliches are true; humans are creatures of habit, and old habits die hard.

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