Monday, January 26, 2009

The "Not Off to a Good Start" Monday Ramblings

I think I'm going to do this here and there. Ramble, that is. Long topical posts take too much time and thought, which is usually in short supply at the beginning of the semester.

Quick weather update: It's very, very cold in Minnesota. Walking to class has been brutal. The worst part is that it's not going to go away. In St. Louis I could look forward to Spring in early March. It was still snowing on the last week of April last year. By the time shorts were a viable option, I was stuck inside studying for finals. That's pretty much an entire semester of winter. Geez.

But honestly, I love it here.

Remember when beer commercials used to be funny? What happened? I don't know what makes me want to gauge my eyes out more, the Bud Light "drinkability" commercials where the guy draws stuff in the air, or the Miller Lite "football thoughts" or whatever they're called. Honestly, who actually thought those commercials could potentially be funny. It's sad when America has to turn to E-Trade for it's good commercials.

Someone recommended (insisted, really) I listen to Kings of Leon, so I went out and bought an album. I'm not sure whether my life will be the same. I am very impressed so far.

Another quick weather update: It's apparently very, very hot in Melbourne. I just watched Djokovic retire from his quarterfinal match with Roddick because he couldn't handle the heat. That's pathetic. This is the defending champion. This is a professional athlete. This is a man who just quit because it's too hot outside.

Not many things disturb me, but the fact that Paul Blart: Mall Cop has been the #1 movie in America for two weeks in a row has me deeply concerned about society. But then again, this is the populace that came out in droves to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua.

I am excited to be packing the Barn for the Gopher basketball game against Illinois this Thursday. A lot of family pride is on the line...

1 comment:

  1. This style of post is still fun to read.
    I thought the Miller Lite (or whatever it is) football coach press conference commercials were pretty funny.
    Kings of Leon is pretty intriguing. I'm not sure they're life changing... but he does have that whole rock star voice going for him.
